This e-Book is for you if:

Want to know more?

  • Need help understanding

    ...and feeling more empowered with managing your diabetes diagnosis

  • Want a one-stop-shop Resource get clarity around your meal choices and nutrition to keep your numbers in check

  • Want recipes and snacks lists your fingertips so you don't have to search the internet for hours trying to find some

About the Author

I have been a Dietitian and a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist for 7 years with an emphasis on Type 2 Diabetes management. I have helped hundreds of clients manage their blood sugars and improve their A1c levels without the restriction of their favorite foods. I am here to help you understand diabetes, nutrition, and how our daily lives impact our blood sugars. I help clients who are confused with their diet grow confident in their choices while understanding blood sugar reactions. I am honored you're here. Let's work together to help you live your best, most abundant life.

What you will learn:

  • How diabetes is diagnosed and what your target blood sugars should be

  • What blood sugar and insulin are and how they function together

  • The Balance Blood Sugar Method and how to apply it to all foods (yes, including desserts!)

  • What carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are and why they are important

  • Common diabetes problems with expert solutions and trouble shooting

Bonus Material

  • Snack List

    ...for your convenience + recipes that are sure to balance your blood sugars AND taste good!

  • Grocery Guide

    ...real life examples from all sections of the store + tips for choosing dairy, bread, yogurt, and more!

  • Educational Videos

    ...led by me to help guide you through the e-Book with ease and understanding of major concepts

See what others are saying:

““This ebook was so helpful. I was recently diagnosed, given no information except an outdated pamphlet on the my plate method. I love how everything we need to jumpstart this journey is in one place. The grocery guide is so thorough and helpful. Very grateful for this eBook- I have it printed out to view it anytime!””

Anna H.   

Let this e-Book be your guide to understanding Diabetes